Jira Assistant Issues

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#152 - Import Issues not working properly

stefanouazx commented on Jul 14, 2022

Hello, I uploaded a csv with a green light to procceed, but when i press the import button nothing is happening and a blank screen comes up.

shridhar-tl commented on May 07, 2020

I was not able to reproduce any issues with my instance. Their is a possibility that bulk importing is disabled in your Jira. In that case I will provide an alternate option. Can you check the console and provide the error details? Also if possible you can just replace any confidential information in csv and share that as well so that I can try that from my end.

Please provide your browser details and JA version number as well

stefanouazx commented on May 08, 2020

Bulk import is enable. Capture JA version 1.4 but my JIRA is version 8.8.0. Does this extension work on 8.8.0? Chrome Version 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (32-bit) Find attached the csv. image

stefanouazx commented on May 08, 2020

momjbjbjpbcbnepbgkkiaofkgimihbii-1588918642206.log Console's error details

shridhar-tl commented on Jul 14, 2022

This would be resolved or tracked as part of #219. Hence closing this issue.
