Get Started

Guide to get started with setting Up Jira Assistant Development Environment

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the Jira Assistant repository from GitHub:

git clone

Navigate into the project directory:

cd jira-assistant

Switch to develop branch:

git checkout develop

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Step 3: Install the Extension

Install the Jira Assistant extension from the Chrome Web Store or other supported browsers. Search for "Jira Assistant" in the respective extension store and add it to your browser.

Step 4: Configure Host Entry

Setting up a custom host entry is crucial for local development. It simulates a domain name, enabling OAuth and other functionalities to work seamlessly.

For Windows:

Open Notepad or any text editor with administrator privileges.

Open the hosts file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Add the following line:

Step 5: Adjust Port Number

By default, the project runs on port 80. To change the port number, adjust the .env file.

Running the Project

Run the project using npm:

npm start

Access the development environment at{PORT} (replace {PORT} with the chosen port number).

With the Jira Assistant extension installed, you can now explore and test the features of the project seamlessly.
