Contact Us

Find ways to Reach Out and Connect with us for any Inquiries or Assistance

Need assistance? Reporting a bug, suggesting a feature, or have questions?

Preliminary Steps

  • Check the FAQ, Known Bugs, and Features sections to see if your inquiry has already been addressed.
  • Attempt a search using relevant keywords with the available search option.
  • Quickly scan the Issue Tracker to find if a similar ticket has already been raised by others.
  • Remember to review closed issues as well, as they might contain answers to your queries.
  • Give Joana, our support bot, a shot at answering your common queries!

Joana: Your Support Bot for Jira Assistant

Try Joana, your dedicated support bot ready to assist you with Jira Assistant. Joana is your guide through FAQs, documentation, and real-time insights on open issues within the Jira Assistant tool. Before reaching out to our support team, try Joana for quick issue resolution. Your feedback matters—let us know how Joana performed, and if unsatisfied, share your email for a follow-up response from our support team. Rest assured, your email won't be used for marketing; it's strictly for query resolution, ensuring your experience remains focused and spam-free. Joana is here to enhance your Jira Assistant journey—swift, effective, and tailored to your needs.

Using GitHub's Issue Tracker

Please submit your queries on the GitHub Issue Tracker .

If you find an existing ticket similar to yours, show support by adding a +1 or thumbs up along with comments if applicable; this helps increase visibility.

Prioritization is given to issues with higher popularity and those that provide comprehensive details or scenarios. Include all necessary descriptions and screenshots for developers to reproduce and resolve the issue effectively.

No GitHub Account? No Problem.

If you lack a GitHub account or prefer not to create one, you can use the provided URL to Contact Us; no authentication required.

However, we strongly recommend using the Issues tab for better issue tracking, status updates, and communication.

As an alternative, you can use this form to reach out, but please note that this form is monitored less frequently and may result in delayed responses.
