Jira Assistant Issues

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#178 - Different bookmark for dashboards

gkpereira commented on Feb 13, 2023

I would like to have a different bookmark gadget for each dashboard created, so that I can manage distinct epics and/or projects on each dash.

Example: on Dashbard Project A, I would add a bookmark gadget listing only the issues of my interest belonging to project A.

On Dashbard Project B, I would add a bookmark gadget listing only the issues belonging to project B and so on.

This would allow me to have controlled visibility of the exact issues I have to check upon on a regular basis, also giving me the ability to export the list of issues to Excel and CSV, something that Jira doesn't allow me.

It is different from filters and reports because in the bookmarks I can hand pick each issue that goes into the list, and I might be willing to send a report excluding specific lines that else would have to be excluded on the csv or xlsx file.

jhallerpi commented on Feb 13, 2023

I would also find this useful