Jira Assistant Issues

View #217 on GitHub to know more details

#217 - Worklog Calendar cannot drag and drop logged time between days

twinklefingers commented on Nov 12, 2022

Basic Details

  • What is the version of Jira Assistant you are using? v2.37
  • Browser & Version? Chrome Version 103.0.5060.66 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • What OS are you using? : [e.g. iOS, Windows] (not necessary for all issues) Windows

Describe the bug Before the UI update, I frequently used the feature of drag and drop our logged time between calendar days on the Worklog Calendar. Now I receive the error: Unhandled error An unknown error occured while processing your request

It is a pop up in red in the upper right corner of the screen.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior (if applicable / necessary):

  1. Go to Worklog Calendar
  2. Click on a row of logged time, begins with a dot and a timestamp followed by JIRA ID
  3. Try to drag to another calendar day
  4. See error in top right

Expected behavior Drag and drop into a new day should update the date of the JIRA task logged time

shridhar-tl commented on Jul 08, 2022

@twinklefingers - I was not able to reproduce this issue. When this issue happens, can you take the screenshot of the console error and send it. That would contain more technical details on what is exactly causing this error.

twinklefingers commented on Jul 08, 2022

JA error

shridhar-tl commented on Jul 10, 2022

@twinklefingers - Thank you for your screenshot. Earlier with your description I was not able to understand the fact that, this issue is happening in Month View. I tried to reproduce this issue in Week view with various scenarios and I was not able to reproduce it. But this screenshot gave a quick understanding on what is causing this issue and was able to resolve it.

This fix would be available once v2.38 is published and I expect it would be available within a week's time.

shridhar-tl commented on Jul 28, 2022

This fix is already available in Jira Assistant v2.38 published couple of days back. You can update to that version to get the issue resolved.