Jira Assistant Issues

View #219 on GitHub to know more details

#219 - New import issues functionality

shridhar-tl commented on Jan 08, 2023

This current import issues functionality has multiple issues and it is tedious to identify and fix the issues due to some technical challenges. Hence I have started to rewrite the entire functionality from scratch.

Additionally this new import issue functionality will have more features than the existing one and as time progress it would become stable enough to be used by all the users. the Initial version of this functionailty would be available in JiraAssistant v2.38.

Following features were included in latest version of Jira Assistant:

  1. Support for inline editing of dataonce the csv is uploaded
  2. Support to import mix of fields which is supported only while issue creation and fields which are allowed only to be updated after issues is created.
  3. Provides suggestion for fields which has allowed set of values
  4. Supports bulk deleting or bullk cloning of issues.
  5. Improved validations for fields

Features currently not yet implemented, but are planned to be implemented in upcomming few weeks:

  1. Supports pulling the issue using JQL from Jira and bulk editing it inline from grid structure.
  2. Supports adding new field for editing after the csv is imported. Once new field is added to screen, existing data of that field would be pulled from Jira after which user can edit the value of that field and do bulk update of all the issues.

Features that are not supported due to restrictions in Jira. But would be supported in future if an alternate way is found. Users can suggest any alternate approach to implement these features:

  1. Does not support moving issues to different project
  2. Does not support moving the issue to different parent