Jira Assistant Issues

View #3 on GitHub to know more details

#3 - Uploaded worklog should not be locally tracked

shridhar-tl commented on May 30, 2018

Once the worklog is uploaded it should be tracked only from Jira server and not from local anymore so that following issues will get resolved.

  • Bug #1 - Worklog goes out of sync when it is updated or deleted directly in Jira Server
  • Bug #2 - Gadgets other than reports doesn't consider worklogs added directly in Jira Server

shridhar-tl commented on May 05, 2018

This functionality is implemented and is available from version 0.46 onward. In case if someone find any issue with this feature then please add a comment in this ticket along with the details of the issue you faced.

shridhar-tl commented on May 30, 2018

Closing this ticket as no issues were reported against this ticket.