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Say Do Ratio Report

The Say Do Ratio Report was introduced in Jira Assistant as part of version v2.59. This report serves as a valuable tool to summarize achievements within each sprint and to monitor progress sprint over sprint. It has become one of the most sought-after reports in recent times.

How to Use:

  • Begin by selecting your filters and configuration options. Click on the edit icon located at the top right corner of the report to access these filters:
    • Select Sprint Boards: Choose all sprint boards for which you wish to view the report.
    • Number of Sprints to Display: Specify the number of completed sprints you would like to include in the report. The minimum allowed is 3. Note that if a sprint is still open, it will not be included; the previous closed sprint will be considered instead.
    • Number of Sprints for Velocity: Indicate the number of sprints to be used for velocity calculations, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 9. By default, Jira's velocity report uses the last 7 sprints for velocity calculations, so for consistency, you may enter 7.
    • Include Non-Working Days in Cycle Time Calculation: This option allows you to decide whether non-working days should be included in the cycle time calculations. Working days are defined based on your settings in Jira Assistant, accessible from the General settings page. If enabled, cycle time includes non-working days; if disabled, it only accounts for working days. Be aware that this method may yield different cycle time results compared to Jira's Cycle Time report.
  • Once all configurations are set, click the "Generate Report" button to produce the report. Be prepared for potential delays in report generation based on the number of boards and sprints selected. For example, if you select 6 for the "Number of Sprints to Display" and 7 for "Number of Sprints for Velocity", a total of 13 sprints will need to be fetched from Jira for each board.

Report Structure:Currently, Jira Assistant displays a comprehensive table summarizing all boards and sprints, along with individual charts for each board. As with other reports and gadgets in Jira Assistant, this report also supports exporting data in Excel, PDF, and CSV formats. Additionally, the charts can be exported in PDF format, but not in Excel format. User feedback for suggestions and bug reports is highly encouraged to enhance this report further.

Table Structure:The report table contains the following columns:

  • Board Name: The name of the selected board.
  • Velocity: Indicates the expected velocity for the upcoming sprint based on the completed story points from the specified number of sprints. This field also shows the percentage change in velocity compared to the previous sprint.
  • Say-Do Ratio: Displays the average Say-Do Ratio for the sprints included in the report, based on your "Number of Sprints to Display" configuration.
  • Cycle Time: Shows the average cycle time calculated using your specific configurations.
  • Sprints: Each sprint is represented in individual columns, showing the average Say-Do Ratio for that sprint. Clicking on a specific cell opens a detailed block below the table displaying all tickets associated with that sprint, along with their current status. Tickets are grouped according to whether they were completed within the sprint or removed mid-sprint. This view closely resembles Jira's traditional Sprint report.

Chart Structure:Below the table, individual charts are presented for each of the selected boards. The Y-axis (left side) represents story points, while the Y1-axis (right side) represents cycle time. The chart displays the Velocity, Committed Story Points, and Completed Story Points as lines on the Y-axis, with Cycle Time represented as bars on the Y1-axis. All sprints that are included in the table will appear in the chart.

Important Note:This report is specifically designed to function effectively for Jira Cloud users and achieves optimal performance when installed as theJira Assistant Cloud App. Using the report as a browser extension could result in some limitations due to the reasons outlined below. Furthermore, users operating on Standalone or Data Center instances of Jira may find that many functionalities are not available or may not work as intended.

  • To calculate the Say-Do Ratio, this report requires access to change logs. It utilizes a new API introduced by Jira, which is currently in its Preview phase. This functionality may not be supported across all Jira instances; as of now, it is exclusively available to Jira Cloud users and is not accessible to those on Self-hosted or Data Center versions of Jira. Consequently, if you encounter warnings stating that the change logs cannot be retrieved for one or more boards, this could be the underlying issue. If you are a Jira Cloud user, please be patient, as the API is gradually rolling out to various regions, and you should see improvements shortly.
  • At present, while there are no APIs available to retrieve information about stories that were part of a sprint at its initiation, accurately calculating the Say-Do Ratio becomes challenging if a story is removed during the sprint. To mitigate this issue, a workaround has been implemented. Specifically for the Jira Assistant Cloud App, the app stores the list of issues at the start of the sprint, which serves as a reliable source of truth for generating this report. Therefore, you can expect it to perform optimally for upcoming sprints. However, it may not yield accurate results for sprints that have already begun. Additionally, if users with permissions to modify sprint data make alterations through the API, the app will incorporate these modifications, which could affect reporting accuracy. Unfortunately, users of the extension or web version face even greater limitations as there is currently no mechanism to track which stories have been removed from sprints. As a result, this can impact the accuracy of committed story points and the Say-Do Ratio. While some minor workarounds are being developed to help alleviate this issue for extension users, it is important to note that these are not 100% foolproof solutions.

Suggestions are welcome

Suggestions for further enhancements and improvements are welcomed by the developer. Users are encouraged to provide detailed requirements to fine-tune the report's features and functionalities and align them with their unique needs.