Known issues

Find out some of known issues with the tool


  • In tabbed layout view, control buttons does not get displayed
  • #16 Changes in comments doesn't get displayed in notifications
  • #39 Sorting does not work well for Jira list types like Status, Priority, Resolution, etc..


  • #63 With calendar integration, always default calendar is chosen to sync and no option available to select from the available calendars
  • #96 In month view, when there are multiple entries for a particular day, then calendar doesn't display total worklogs on top and hence user should click to see the total hours logged

Worklog report

  • #87 When worklog is added from worklog report, the report doesn't gets updated with new additions until the report is refreshed


  • #67 Extension settings doesn't get synced anywhere and hence in case of re-installation, user should redo all the settings
  • In some of the browsers, first time integration popup is not displayed anymore due to latest permission related restriction in Web Store

Report Builder

  • Proper documentation is not available for Report Builder making it complex for uses to use it
  • After recent change in review process, web store is not allowing some permissions, which doesn't let the user to use custom user functions anymore